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2009秋 跨領域文化研究

Page history last edited by pinkchange 13 years, 6 months ago


國立高雄師範大學 98 學年度教學綱要


科目名稱: 跨領域文化研究 必修 ■選修 教師: 黃孫權

任課班級: 跨領域藝術研究所

每學期開課學分數:上學期 3 學分 下學期 學分

總學分數: 3 學分 每週上課時數: 3 小時

連繫電話: 辦公地點: 辦公時間(Office hour):


一、教學目標:文化研究是當前全球學術界最有活力的一股知識力量之一。其研究強調具有開放性的跨學門科際整合,認為正在快速變動的世界已經無法以單一學科的方法來理解,必須透過連結各個學科中所提煉出來的尖端知識(與反省),才能提供有力的解釋,也才有可能介入這個變動過程。在上述視野下,本課程希望提供一個跨學科與跨領域不同方法、不同議題、不同思考角度的成果例示,使同學們透過這門課,得以初步觀察到這個領域的豐富面向。課程將以兩種方向進行,一是對於 「文化研究」本身的介紹與反思;第二個方向,則是跨領域、跨文化之各類議題性的研究,同學們可以透過各種議題的演講、研究與討論,思考並學習如何發現問題、如何分析問題、如何運用知識、如何反省既有的知識建制等等。






1. 約翰‧史都瑞(2003)《文化理論與通俗文化導論》。(Storey, Jonh. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. 3rd. 2001. )李根芳、周素鳳譯。台北:巨流。

2. 李鵬程編(2003)《文化研究新詞典》。吉林人民出版社。

3. Graeme Turner(1998)唐維敏譯《英國文化研究導論》。(Graeme Turne. British culture studies/an introduction, 2nd ed)。臺北:亞太圖書,1998。

3. 陳光興著 唐維敏譯。《文化研究:霍爾訪談錄》(Cultural studies:dialogues with Stuart Hall)台北:元尊文化,1998。

4. 陳光興主編(2002)《文化研究在台灣》。台北:巨流

5. 廖炳惠編(2003)《關鍵詞200:文學與批評研究的通用詞彙編》。台北:麥田。

6. 雷蒙‧威廉士(2003)。劉建基譯。《關鍵詞:文化與社會的詞彙》(Raymond Williams. Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society, rev. ed)臺北:巨流,2003。

7. 英國Open University「Culture, Media and Identities」系列教材:

(1)du Gay, Paul, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Hugh Mackay, and Keith Negus. (1997). Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman. London: Sage.

(2)Hall, Stuart (ed.). (1997). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage.

(3)Woodward, Kathryn (ed.). (1997). Identity and Difference. London: Sage.

(4)du Gay, Paul (ed.). (1997). Production of Culture/Cultures of Production. London: Sage.

(5)Mackay, Hugh (ed.). (1997). Consumption and Everyday Life. London: Sage.

(6)Thompson, Kenneth (ed.). (1997). Media and Cultural Regulation. London: Sage.

8. Barker, Chris. (2002). Making Sense of Cultural Studies: Central Problems and Critical Debates. London: Sage.







週 別

內 容

作 業

認 讀








1.紋 2.○ 3.○ 4.凱




1.凱 2.星佑 3.惠文



The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception

Replacing Popular Culture

1.俊融 2.俊融 3.紋 4.文君




1.惠文 2.星佑 3.郁美



英國工人階級的形成 (上)第一部  第二部 第三部階級意識

1.文君 幸紋  惠文




1.俊融 2.薌蘅 3.




星佑  郁美 



吉卜齡   文化與帝國主義 Ch2(2.1~2.4書摘

1.星佑  俊融  惠文2.5~3.3  幸紋




1.郁美、惠文 2.惠文? 3.




1.文君 2.紋 3.惠文




1.        2.(2~3人)



Resistance Through Rituals-Youth subcultures in post-war Britain

序,理論1.A B~I 

1.俊融 2.文君.




1~3 星佑、4 文君、5 郁美




 6 凱惠、7 幸纹、8 惠文、9~後記 俊融




1.郁美、凱 2.漢正




1.惠文 2.俊融







第一周 課程說明:什麼是文化研究?



  1. 約翰‧史都瑞(2003)《文化理論與通俗文化導論》。(Storey, Jonh. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. 3rd. 2001. )李根芳、周素鳳譯。台北:巨流。

  2. Graeme Turner(1998)唐維敏譯《英國文化研究導論》。(British culture studies- An Introduction, 2nd ed)。臺北:亞太圖書,1998。

  3. 陳光興著 唐維敏譯(1998), 《文化研究:霍爾訪談錄》(Cultural studies: dialogues with Stuart Hall)台北:元尊文化。


第二周 文化研究的系譜與研究方向


  1. 陳光興(1994),〈文化研究在英國的歷史變動軌跡〉,收於唐維敏等譯《文化、社會與媒體:批判性觀點》, pp. v-xxii.,台北:遠流。

  2. Johnson, Richard. (2000).〈究竟什麼是文化研究〉,孟登迎譯,收於羅鋼、劉象愚主編《文化研究讀本》, pp. 3-65,北京:中國社會科學出版社。

  3. Barker, Chris. (2000). “An introduction to cultural studies”, in Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice, pp.3-34. London: Sage. (有中譯本,《文化研究 : 理論與實踐》,羅世宏譯,臺北:五南)

  4. 陳光興(2000),〈文化研究在台灣到底意味著什麼?〉,收於陳光興編《文化研究在台灣》, pp.7-25,台北:巨流。


  1. Paul Smith eds. (2006). Cultural Studies: An Essential Reader, (有中譯本,《文化研究精粹讀本》,陶東風編,北京:中國人民大學出版社)

  2. Sardar, Ziauddin. (1997). Cultural Studies for Beginners. Cambridge: Icon Books.(陳貽寶譯,(1999),《文化研究》,台北:立緒。)

  3. Jenks, Chris. (1993). Culture. London: Routledge.(俞智敏、陳光達、王淑燕譯,(1998),《文化》,台北:巨流。)

  4. 孫紹誼,(1995),〈通俗文化、意識形態與話語結構—伯明罕文化研究學派述評〉,《當代》114: 68-89.

  5. Turner, Graeme. (1996). "The idea of cultural studies", in British Cultural Studies: An Introduction (2nd ed.)(pp. 11-37). London: Routledge.(唐維敏譯,(1998),《英國文化研究導論》,台北︰亞太。)

  6. Connor, Steven. (2000). "Cultural Sociology and Cultural Sciences," in Bryan S. Turner (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory (2nd ed.)(pp. 352-385). Oxford: Blackwell.

  7. 李有成(2002),〈階級、文化物質主義與文化研究〉,收於張漢良編《方法:文學的路》(pp. 15-32),台北:國立台灣大學出版中心。

  8. Stuart Hall(1992),"Cultural Studies and its Theoretical Legacies" in Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paula Treichler eds. Cultural Studies. PP.277-294.

  9. Andrew Tudor(1999) Decoding Culture- Theory and Method in Cultural Cultural Studies, London:Sage

  10. 初民安主編(2007)《文化研究關鍵詞》(Key Word in Culture Studies),江蘇人民出版社

  11. Barker, Chris.(2006)《文化研究智典》,許孟芸譯,台北:韋伯

  12. Jeff Lewis(2006)《文化研究的基礎》,邱誌勇、許夢芸譯,台北:韋伯

  13. 吳潛誠編(1998)《文化與社會》,臺北:立緒

  14. 陳光興(2006)《去帝國:亞洲作為方法》,臺北:行人出版社

  15. 陳光興(2005)《連帶批判:2005年亞洲華人文化論壇》,臺北:台灣社會研究季刊


第三周 文化研究的重要爭論


  1. Hall, Stuart. (1980). “Cultural studies: two paradigms”, Media, Culture and Society, 2: 57-72.(中譯:孟登迎譯,(2000),〈文化研究:兩種範式〉,收於羅鋼、劉象愚主編《文化研究讀本》(pp. 51-65),北京:中國社會科學出版社。)

  2. Eagleton, Terry (2000). The idea of culture. Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA, Blackwell.(有中譯本)

  3. Eagleton, Terry (2005). 《理論之後》(After Theory). 台北, 商週.



  1. 各期《文化研究月報》(網路版)。http://hermes.hrc.ntu.edu.tw/csa/

  2. Eagleton, Terry (1996). Literary theory : an introduction. Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell. (有中譯本)

    Barker, Chris(2000). Cultural studies : theory and practice (有中譯本,《文化研究 : 理論與實踐》 羅世宏譯 臺北市 : 五南, 2004)

  3. Hall, Stuart. (1980). “Cultural studies: two paradigms”, Media, Culture and Society, 2: 57-72.(中譯:孟登迎譯,(2000),〈文化研究:兩種範式〉,收於羅鋼、劉象愚主編《文化研究讀本》(pp. 51-65),北京:中國社會科學出版社。)

  4. Barker, Chris. (2002). Making Sense of Cultural Studies: Central Problems and Critical Debates. London: Sage.(選讀ch.1, ch.2 & ch.3)

  5. Lawrence Grossberg (2006) 〈文化研究之罪〉,收於《文化研究精粹讀本》,陶東風編,北京:中國人民大學出版社,pp.120-132


第四周 文化的生產/生產的文化(一)



  1. Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer (1944/1979) “ The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” in Dialectic of Enlightenment, London:Verso(有中譯)
  2. Grossberg, Lawrence (1997). “Replacing Popular Culture”. The Clubcultures Reader. Steve Redhead, Derek Wynne and Justin O'Connor. London, Blackwell:217-236.
  3. Water Benjamin (1978), “The Author as Producer” in Reflections. Edited by Peter Demetz. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, INC. pp220-238   作者作為生產者 中譯
  4. Water Benjamin (1955), 〈機器複製時代的藝術作品〉,收錄於漢娜阿倫特編,《啟迪本雅明文選》,牛津大學出版社



  1. F. R. Jameson (2004) 〈大眾文化的具體化與烏托邦〉收錄於王振逢編《文化研究和政治意識》詹姆遜文集第三卷,北京:中國人民大學出版社。pp.52-84
  2. F. R. Jameson (2004) 〈當代大眾文化中的階級與寓言〉收錄於王振逢編《文化研究和政治意識》詹姆遜文集第三卷,北京:中國人民大學出版社。pp.85-113
  3. 朱元鴻(2000)〈文化工業:因繁榮而即將作廢的類概念〉,收錄於張笠雲編《文化產業文化生產的結構分析》,台北:遠流. Pp. 11-46
  4. 阿多諾,〈文化工業再探〉,收錄於吳潛誠編(1998)《文化與社會》,臺北:立緒。Pp.318-328
  5. ♪the Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now (youtube ; 歌詞)  / Tom Waits / Belle&Sebastian


第五周 文化的生產/生產的文化(二)



  1. du Gay, Paul, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Hugh Mackay, and Keith Negus. (1997). Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman. London: Sage.(有中譯本)

  2. Robins, Kevin. (1997). “What in the world’s going on?”, in Paul. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 11-66). London: Sage.(有中譯本)

  3. Negus, Keith. (1997). “The production of culture”, in Pai;. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 67-118). London: Sage. (有中譯本)



  1. 董啟章(1999)《The Catalog》香港:三人出版社

  2. 許舜英(1999)《大量流出》。台北:紅色文化

  3. Braham, Peter. (1997). “Fashion: unpacking a cultural production”, in Paul. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 119-176). London: Sage.

  4. Nixon, Sean. (1997). “Circulating culture”, in P. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 177-234). London: Sage.

  5. Salaman, Graeme. (1997). “Culturing production”, in P. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 235-284). London: Sage.du Gay, Paul. (1997). “Organizing identity: making up people at work”, in P. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 285-344). London: Sage.

  6. Coleridge, Nicholas. (1995).《流行陰謀:名牌時裝帝國遊記》(The Fashion Conspiracy)(張定綺譯),台北:時報。

  7. 張苙雲主編,(2000),「文化產業:文化生產的結構分析」專輯,《台灣產業研究》第三期,台北:遠流。

  8. 張小虹,(1998),《情慾微物論》,台北:大田。

  9. Anna Schober(2002)《牛仔褲─ 叛逆、狂野與性感的自我表述》(陳素幸譯),台北:藍鯨出版社


第六周 文化的生產/生產的文化(三)



  1. Thompson, E. P. (1963/1980). The Making of the English Working Class. London: Penguin Books.(賈士蘅譯,(2001),《英國工人階級的形成》,上下兩冊,台北:麥田出版社。)


  1. Donkin, Richard. (2001).《血、汗與淚水:人類工作的演化》(Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Evolution of Work)(張美惠譯),台北:時報。

  2. Paul Wills(1981) Learning to Labor, Columbia University Press; Morningside Ed edition

  3. Paulo Freire(2000)Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Continuum International Publishing Group; 30 Anv Sub edition

  4. Julie Bettie(2002)Women without Class: Girls, Race, and Identity. University of California Press



第七周 再現與表意實踐(一)


  1. Hall, Stuart. (1997). “The work of representation”, in S. Hall (ed.), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (pp. 13-74). London: Sage.(有中譯版,《表徵:文化表象與意指實踐》,2003, 北京:商務圖書)

  2. Lidchi, Henrietta. (1997). “The poetics and the politics of exhibiting other cultures”, in S. Hall (ed.), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (pp. 151-222). London: Sage.

  3. Hall, Stuart. (1997). “The spectacle of the‘other’”, in S. Hall (ed.), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (pp. 223-290). London: Sage.


  1. 蔡篤堅,(2001),《媒體再現與當代台灣民族認同形構的公共論述分析》,台北:唐山。

  2. 李天鐸主編,(2002),〈日本流行文化在台灣與亞洲(1)〉專輯,《媒介擬想》第一期,台北:遠流。


第八周 再現與表意實踐(二)



  1. Edward W. Said (1999),《東方主義》,臺北:立緒


  1. Frantz Fanon (2005), 《黑皮膚,白面具》,臺北:心靈工坊

  2. Edward W. Said(2002)《遮蔽的伊斯蘭:西方媒體眼下的穆斯林世界》,臺北:立緒


第九周 再現與表意實踐(三)



  1. Edward W. Said (2000),《文化與帝國主義》,臺北:立緒


  1. John Urry (2007),《觀光客的凝視》,臺北:書林

  2. Edward W. Said(2002)《遮蔽的伊斯蘭:西方媒體眼下的穆斯林世界》,臺北:立緒


第十周 共同體與公共空間



  1. Benedict Anderson(1999), 《想像的共同體》,台北:時報出版社 。第1 、2 、3 章、第10 、 11 章。
  2. Habermas, Jurgen (1989) The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society, Cambridge: Polity Press. (曹衛東等譯,《公共領域的結構轉型》,台北:聯經,2002。)(另可參考汪暉、陳燕谷主編,《文化與公共性》,北京:三聯,1998。)
  3. Arendt, Hennah (1958) The Human Condition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.(劉峰譯文)(蔡英文(2002),《政治實踐與公共空間—漢娜‧鄂蘭的政治思想》,台北:聯經,第四章。)



  1. Zukin, Sharon. (1991). “Disney world: the power of facade/the facade of power”, in Landscape of Power: From Detroit to Disney World (pp. 217-250). Berkeley: University of California Press.Arendt, Hennah (1958) The Human Condition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.(劉峰譯文)(另可參考:蔡英文(2002),《政治實踐與公共空間—漢娜‧鄂蘭的政治思想》,台北:聯經,第四章。

  2. Calhoun, Craig (1993) Habermas and the Public Sphere, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

  3. Brill, Michael (1989) “Transformation, Nostalgia, and Illusion in Public Life and Public Place”, in Irwin Altman and Ervin Zube eds. Public Places and Spaces, New York: Plenum, pp.7- 29.

  4. Glazer, Nathan and Mark Lilla eds. (1987) The Public Face of Architecture: Civic Culture and Public Spaces, New York: The Free Press.

  5. Ferguson, Russell eds. (1994) Urban Revisions: Current Projects for the Public Realm, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

  6. Bogart, Michele H. (1989) Public Sculpture and the Civic Ideal in New York City, 1890-1930, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  7. Calhoun, Craig (1996) “Social Theory and the Public Sphere”, in Bryan Turner The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.429-470.

  8. Whyte, William (1988) City: Rediscovering the Center, New York: Doubleday.

  9. Hooper, Barbara (1998) “The Poem of Male Desires: Female Bodies, Modernity, and ‘Paris, Capital of the 19th Century’”, in Leonie Sandercock eds. Making the Invisible Visible: A Multicultural Planning History, Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, pp.227-254.

  10. Pratt, Geraldine (2000) “Private and Public Sphere”, in R.J. Johnston et al. eds. The Dictionary of Human Geography, Fourth Edition, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.636-637

  11. Niel Smith. (1992). “New City, New Frontier:The Lower East Side as Wild Wild West”, Sorkin, Michael (ed.), Variations on a Theme Park (pp. 61-93). New York: The Nooday Press.

  12. Jean-Luc Nancy "The Inoperative Community" in The Inoperative Community. 可參考:儂曦,《解構共同體》(蘇哲安翻譯)  
  13. 夏鑄九 (1994),《公共空間》,台北:文建會/藝術家。
  14. Suzanne Lacy (2004),《量繪形貌:新類型公共藝術》,吳瑪俐等/譯,臺北:遠流
  15. 鄭正來、J.C. 亞歷山大編,《國家與市民社會—一種社會理論的研究路徑》,北京:中央編譯出版社。
  16. 夏鑄九(1997)〈再理論公共空間〉,《城市與設計學報》,第2-3期,頁63-76。
  17. 夏鑄九(1994)〈(重)構公共空間──理論的反省〉,《台灣社會研究》,第16期,頁21-54。
  18. 新左評論簡史Benedict Anderson 專訪



第十一週 城市閱讀與符號學




  1. Benjamin, Walter (1955/1978) “Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century”, in Peter Demetz eds. (1978) Reflections, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, pp.146-162.(中譯本:班雅明(2002),〈巴黎,十九世紀的都城〉,《發達資本主義時代的抒情詩人》,台北:臉譜,pp258-285.)
  2. 戴錦華(1999)〈隱形書寫〉,《鏡域地形圖─當代文化書寫與研究》,台北:聯經,頁:172-200
  3. Barthes, Roland. (1979). The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies. New York: The Noonday Press.(李幼蒸譯,(1991),〈艾菲爾鐵塔〉,收於李幼蒸編譯《寫作的零度:結構主義文學理論文選》(頁156-168),台北︰時報。)



  1. Zukin, Sharon (1995) The Cultures of Cities, Oxford: Blackwell.

  2. Charies Bauderaire (2006)《巴黎的憂鬱》,臺北:遠流

  3. Sennett, Richard (2003) 《肉體與石頭》,黃煜文譯,台北:麥田

  4. Barthes, Roland. (1970/1982). Empire of Signs. New York: Hill and Wang.(孫乃修譯,(1993),《符號禪意東洋風》,台北:台灣商務。)

  5. Sennett, Richard (1988) “The Civitas of Seeing”, Place, Vol.5, No.4, pp.82-84.

  6. Sennett, Richard (1994) “The Power of the Eye”, in Russell Ferguson eds. (1994) Urban Revisions: Current Projects for the Public Realm, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, pp.59-69.

  7. Barthes, Roland(1952)The Blue Guide, in Mythologies, Noonday, pp.74-77

  8. Savage, Mike (1995) “Walter Benjamin's Urban Thought: A Critical Analysis”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol.13, pp.201-216.

  9. Brennan, Thomas (1988) Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

  10. Gilloch, Graeme (1996) Myth and Metropolis: Walter Benjamin and the City, Cambridge: Polity.

  11. Buck-Morss, Susan (1989) The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

  12. Gottdiener, M. and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos. (1986). “Introduction”, in M. Gottdiener and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos (eds), The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics (pp. 1-22). New York: Columbia University Press.(吳瓊芬等譯,(1994),〈城市與符號(導言)〉,收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁505-526),台北︰明文書局。)

  13. Barthes, Roland. (1986). "Semiology and the urban," in M. Gottdiener and Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos (eds.), The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics (pp. 87-98). New York: Columbia University Press.(王志弘譯,(1994),〈符號學與都市〉,收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁527-538),台北︰明文書局。)

  14. 董啟章(1997)《地圖集一個想像的城市的考古學》,台北:聯合文學。



第十二周 消費與日常生活



  1. Storey, John. (1999). Cultural Consumption and Everyday Life. London: Arnold. (中譯:張君玫譯,(2002),《文化消費與日常生活》,台北:巨流。)

  2. Michel de Certeau (1984) The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkley: University of California Press. (part 1:A very order nay culture pp.1-42)



  1. Finegan, Ruth. (1997)."Storying the self": personal narratives and identity, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 65-112). London: Sage.

  2. Miller, Daniel. (1997). “Consumption and its consequences”, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 13-64). London: Sage.

  3. Bocock, Robert. (1993). Consumption. London: Routledge(中譯:張君玫、黃鵬仁譯,(1996),《消費》,台北:巨流。)

  4. Angela McRobbie (2000).《後現代主義與大眾文化》,田曉菲譯,北京:中央編譯出版社

  5. 高宣揚(2002)《流行文化社會學》,台北:揚智。

  6. Finnegan, Ruth. (1997). “Music, performance and enactment”, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 113-158). London: Sage.

  7. Thrift, Nigel. (1997). “ ‘Us’ and ‘them’: re-imagining places, re-imagining identities”, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 159-212). London: Sage.



第十三周 政治抵抗,儀式與風格



  1. Sturat Hall and Tony Jefferson ed. Sarah Thornton(1990). Resistance through Ritual: Youth Subcultures in Post-war Britain. London:Routledge (Theory 1 p9-80)

  2. Dick Hebdige(1981), Subculture: the Meaning of Style. London:Routledge (有中譯)



  1. Sturar Hall(1978)Policing the Crisis. Palgrave Macmillan

  2. Stuart Hall(1988)The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left. Verso Books.

  3. Goffman, E.(1959)The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life《日常生活中的自我表演》, New York: Doubleday, Chapter 1.

  4. 克雷格‧歐哈拉(2005)《龐克的哲學》,張釗維譯,臺北:商週

  5. 喬治‧馬凱(2008)《自己幹文化:派對與革命》,黃孫權、丘德真譯,臺北:破週報/獨立媒體


第十四、五周  品味與秀異



  1. Bourdieu Pierre(1987). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Harvard University Press.



  1. Bourdieu (1993), The Field of Cultural Production, Columbia University Press. pp.29-141
  2. Bourdieu (1996), The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. Stanford University Press. pp.47-173.
  3. Bourdieu and Darbel(1997), The Love of Art: European Art Museums and their Public.Polity Press.



第十六週 景觀社會



  1. Debord, Guy,  The society of the spectacle, New York : Zone Books, 1994.中譯本:居伊‧德波,《景觀社會》,南京大學出版社,2006。 
  2. Bourdieu, Pierre (1996), Photography : A Middle-Brow Art, Stanford : Stanford University, 1990, pp.1-98. http://www.sendspace.com/file/vm3syr



第十七周 次文化研究


  1. Paul E. Willis(1976), "Theoretical Confessions and Reflexive Method(1976)" in Ken Gelder and Sarah Thornton eds. The Subcultures Reader, pp:246-253. London:Routledge

  2. Sturat Hall and Tony Jefferson ed. Sarah Thornton(1990). Resistance through Ritual: Youth Subcultures in Post-war Britain. London:Routledge 

    Cultural responses of Ted , 81-86; 

         The meaning of Mod, p87-98

          The Cultural meaning of Drug Use , p106-118

          Theory II Consciousness of class and consciousness of generation p192-208

          Girls and Subculture p209-222;



  1. Phil Cohen(1972),"Subcultural Conflict and Working-Class Community" in Ken Gelder and Sarah Thornton eds. The Subcultures Reader, pp:90-99 London:Routledge

  2. John Clarke, Stuart Hall, Tony Jefferson and Brian Roberts(1975), "Subcultures, Culture and Class" in Ken Gelder and Sarah Thornton eds. The Subcultures Reader, pp:100-111 London:Routledge

  3. Simon Frith(1980), " Formalism, Realism and Leisure - The Case of Punk(1980)" in in Ken Gelder and Sarah Thornton eds. The Subcultures Reader, pp:163-174. London: Routledge

  4. Steve Redhead, Wynne Derek, Justin O'connor(1997),The Clubcultures Reader-Readings in Popular Cultural Studies. London : Blackwell

  5. Paul E. Willis(1997), "Culture, Institution, Differentation" in Ken Gelder and Sarah Thornton eds. The Subcultures Reader, pp:121-129. London:Routledge

  6. Gill Valentine, Tracey Skelton and Deborah Chambers eds.(1998), Cool Places: Geographies of Youth Cultures, Routledge

  7. Eddie Yuen eds.(2004) Confronting Capitalism. London:Verso.


第十八週 期末報告 


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