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2009 秋 空間、建築與都市化

Page history last edited by inertia 14 years, 7 months ago

科目名稱:空間、建築與都市化 □必修R選修教師:黃孫權

任課班級:北藝大 跨域所、美史所

每學期開課學分數:上學期 3學分下學期學分

總學分數: 3學分每週上課時數:  3  小時

連繫電話:辦公地點:辦公時間(Office hour):




本課程提供得以分析真實世界的工具,亦即,在新自由主義主導的片面全球化與空間商品化(迪斯耐化)之下,我們更需要重回70年代社會科學「空間轉向」的趨勢,與繼之法國年鑑學派、都市社會學、哲學所開啟的城市與空間研究視野。透過這些理論的歷史構造過程與相關案例,方有能力分析台灣身為第三世界發展中國家的侷限(與機會)。本課程之目的在於介紹當代各種理論實踐與空間之「連結」(articulation) ,使學生可以實際運用分析性的視野與概念,探究從建築到都市,地方到全球的各種實際空間、建築議題。對於藝術學院的學生來說,「空間」的概念是處理特殊場所(site-specific)展覽與公共藝術的關鍵,也唯有掌握理論與分析工具,方能掌握與介入空間生產,使得藝術品不是裝飾品,藝術介入空間也非僅止於牆上塗鴉,更非是街道家俱中最不實用的一種美化行為。



本課程為討論課(seamier) ,學生每週必須仔細閱讀文本,提出課堂報告。









第一周 課程說明

  1. 賈彰柯 《二十四城記》,《三峽好人》


session 1 : 空間生產與公共性



第二周 如何概念化都市?




  1. Susser, Ida (2002) “Manuel Castells: Conceptualizing the City in the Information Age”, in Ida Susser ed.Cities and Social Theory, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.1-12.(中譯收於羅崗編《帝國、都市與現代性》,〈二十一世紀的社會學〉,江蘇人民出版社。頁239-257)二十一世紀的都市社會學.pdf
  2. Massey, Doreen(1992) " Politics and Space/TIme" New Left Review, NO.196, Nov-Dev. pp.65-84. (reprinted in Doreen Massey(1994) Space, Place and Gender, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.249-272.



第三周  公共空間與公共性


1. Habermas, Jurgen (1989)The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society, Cambridge: Polity Press. (曹衛東等譯,《公共領域的結構轉型》,台北:聯經,2002。)(另可參考汪暉、陳燕谷主編,《文化與公共性》,北京:三聯,1998。)

2. Arendt, Hennah (1958) The Human Condition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.(劉峰譯文)(另可參考:蔡英文(2002),《政治實踐與公共空間漢娜鄂蘭的政治思想》,台北:聯經,第四章。)


  1. Calhoun, Craig (1993) Habermas and the Public Sphere, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT PressEthington, Philip J. (1994)The Public City: The Political Construction of Urban Life in San Francisco, 1850-1900, Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres
  2. Pratt, Geraldine (2000) “Private and Public Sphere”, in R.J. Johnston et al. eds. The Dictionary of Human Geography, Fourth Edition, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.636-637
  3. Robbins, Bruce (1993)The Phantom Public Sphere, Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press. (introduction)
  4. Forester, John (1985)Critical Theory and Public Life, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press
  5. Castells, Manuel (1997)The Power of Identity, Oxford: Blackwell
  6. Robbins, Bruce eds. (1993) The Phantom Public Shpere, Mineapolis, Minn:University of Minnesota Press.
  7. Frazer, Nancy (1990) "Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy" , Soical Text. No.25/26, pp.56-80.
  8. Calhoun, Craig(1993)  Hebermas and the Public Sphere. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press
  9. Weisman Leslie Kanes (1992) " The Private Use of Public Space" in Descrimination by Design: A Feminist Critique of the Man-Made Enviroment, Urbana, III:University of Illnois Press, pp67-85. (有中譯本《設計的歧視》
  10. Hansen, Philip (1993) Hannah Arendt: Politics, History and Citizenship. Cambridge:Polity.(ch2)
  11. 夏鑄九(2004)《爭論公共性:公共空間中的公共藝術》,台北:台北市政府文化局。
  12. 夏鑄九(2005),〈重新界定公共性——全球化台北的都市再發展策略之文化表現〉第二屆海峽兩岸新經濟地理學學術會議,台灣大學地理環境資源學系主辦,620-22日。
  13. 夏鑄九,200212,〈全球都會區域、華人城市的文化與公共藝術〉,兩岸四地公共藝術研討會,《城市建設與公共藝術》,台大建築與城鄉研究基金會主辦,台北,20021224-25日。
  14. 《亞太城市的公共空間》2007,中國建築工業出版
  15. Richard Sennett (1974) , The Fall of Public Man. New York: Norton(中譯本,萬毓澤譯(2007),《再會吧!公共人》,台北:群學)
  16. 黃煜文譯,《肉體與石頭》,台北:麥田,2003(Sennett, Richard (1994),Flesh and Stone. )
  17. Weintraub, Jeff (1995) “Varieties and Vicissitudes of Public Space”, in Philip Kasinitz eds.Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times, Washington Square, New York: New York University Press, pp.280-319
  18. Weintraub, Jeff and Krishan Kumar eds. (1997)Public and Private in Thought and Practice: Perspectives on a Grand Dichotomy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  19. Benjamin, Walter (1955/1978) “Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century”, in Peter Demetz eds. (1978)Reflections, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, pp.146-162.
  20. Frisby, David (2001) Cityscapes of Modernity, Cambridge: Polity. (ch.1, “The City Observed: The Flaneur in Social Theory”, pp.27-51.)
  21. Hooper, Barbara (1998) “The Poem of Male Desires: Female Bodies, Modernity, and ‘Paris, Capital of the 19thCentury’”, in Leonie Sandercock eds.Making the Invisible Visible: A Multicultural Planning History, Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, pp.227-254.
  22. Sennett, Richard (1988) “The Civitas of Seeing”,Place, Vol.5, No.4, pp.82-84.
  23. Sennett, Richard(1990), The Conscience of The Eye.New York: Norton
  24. Sennett, Richard (1994) “The Power of the Eye”, in Russell Ferguson eds. (1994)Urban Revisions: Current Projects for the Public Realm, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, pp.59-69.
  25. Glazer, Nathan and Mark Lilla eds. (1987)The Public Face of Architecture: Civic Culture and Public Spaces, New York: The Free Press.
  26. Savage, Mike (1995) “Walter Benjamin's Urban Thought: A Critical Analysis”,Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol.13, pp.201-216.
  27. Amin, Ash (1994) "Post-Fordism :Models, Fantasies and Phantoms of Transition" in Ash Amin eds. Post-Fordism: A Reader, Oxford:Blackwell, pp.1-39. 
  28. Bolton, Richard (1989) "Figments of the Public: Architectures and teh Debt", Marco Diani and Catherine Ingraham eds. Resturcturing Architectural Theory, Evanston, III:Northwestern University Press, pp.42-47.


第四、五、六周 空間的生產:Henri Lefebvre的空間論




  1. Henri Lefebvre(1979) “Space: Social Product and Use Value” in J. W. Freiberg(ed.) Critical Sociology: European Perspective. New York: Irvington, pp.285-295). (有中譯本,收錄於夏鑄九、王志弘(1993)《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》。台北:明文。Pp.19-30)
  2. Henri Lefebvre(1984) The Production of Space. Blackwell. (1.plan of the Present Work and Afterword by David Harvey)
  3. Henri Lefebvre(1994) “The Bureaucratic of Society of Controlled Consumption”, Everyday life in the Modern Word. Transaction Publishers.





  1. Henri Lefebvre(1996) , Writings on Cities. Blackwell.
  2. Henri Lefebvre(1996) , Critique of Everyday Life (3-volume Set). Verso; Special Ed edition.
  3. Soja, Edward (1995) "Heterotopologies: A Rememberance of Other Spaces in the Citadel-LA. in Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson eds.Postmodern Cities nad Spaces, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp.13-34.
  4. Johnsion R.J et al .eds. (1994) . “Production of Space”, The Dictionary of Huamn Geography, pp480-482)(有中譯)
  5. Ben Highmore(2008) 〈亨利‧列斐伏爾的日常生活辯證法〉,《日常生活與文化理論導論》,pp.187-239.北京:商務印書館
  6. 「文學書寫與空間生產」經典研讀網站 http://cc.shu.edu.tw/~ericsu/index.htm
  7. 吳怡萱 (2007),<空間游擊戰: 跨國、在地與流動攤販> ,文化研究月報65期.



session II :都市研究



第七周 批判的歷史地理學與城市研究:David Harvey(一)



  1. David Harey(1990).”Between Space and Time: Reflection on the Geographical Imagination” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 80(3),pp.418-434(中譯收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯(1990).《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》台北:明文。Pp.47-97)
  2. Daivd Harvey (2006) 《巴黎,現代性之都》,黃煜文譯,臺北:群學


第八周 批判的歷史地理學與城市研究David Harvey(二)



1.Daivd Harvey (2008)《新帝國主義》,王志弘、王玥民,徐苔玲/合譯,臺北:群學




  1. Daivd Harvey (2008)《新自由主義化的空間》,王志弘,臺北:群學
  2. 大衛哈維(2003)〈地租的藝術:全球化、壟斷與全球的商品化〉,城市設計學報,NO.15/16, pp.1-19.(王志弘譯) 壟斷地租.pdf
  3. 林欣榮(2006)《城市空間治理的創新策略(三個台灣首都城市案例評析:台北.新竹.高雄),臺北:新自然主義
  4. Daivd Harvey (200), Space of Hope. California.
  5. 黃孫權(2003),〈今日的烏托邦,明日的現實:訪David Harvey〉,破週報復刊240
  6. 陳東昇(1995),《金權城市:地方派系、財團與台北都會發展的社會學分析》,台北:巨流




第九周 城市生活:Jane Jacobs




  1. Jane Jacobs2007),《偉大城市的誕生與衰亡:美國都市街道生活的啟發》(The Death and Life of Great American Cities,臺北:聯經
  2. 紀錄片 黃孫權(1999)《我們家在康樂里》
  3. 紀錄片 歐寧(2003)《三元里》




第十周 集體消費到網絡社會:Manuel Castells(一)




  1. Castells, Manuel(1983)”A Cross-Culture Theory of Urban Social Change”, in The City and the Grassroots, Cal: University of California Press. Pp.289-336(有中譯,陳梧譯,〈一個跨文化的都市社會變遷理論〉,收於夏鑄九、王志宏編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》,pp.223- 300 ,台北:明文書局)
  2. Castells, Manuel(1983)”Conclusion: The Reconstruction of Social Meaning in the Spcae of Flows, in The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring and the Urban-Regions Process, Oxford: Basil Blackwell(中譯收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯(1990)〈流動空間中社會意義的重建〉,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》台北:明文。Pp.367-374)




  1. Castells, Manuel, The Urban Question, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1977, part V, "The Urban Process", pp.379-427; and Ch. 1-3, "Urbanization, Development and Dependence", pp.39-63.
  2. Feagin, Joe R., ed. The Urban Scene: Myths and Realities, second edition, New York: Random House, 1979, ch.1, "The Urban Crisis", pp.11-74.
  3. Scott, Allen, "The Meaning and Social Origins of Discourse on the Spatial Foundations of Society", in Gould, Peter, and Gunnar Olsson, ed. A Search for Common Ground, London: Pion Limitd, 1982, pp.141-156.
  4. Portes, Alejandro, and John Walton, Labor, Class, and the International System, New York: Academic Press, 1981, ch.1, "Introduction", pp.1-20; and ch.3, "Unequal Exchange and the Urban Informal Sector", pp67-106.
  5. Castells, Manuel, “Urban Sociology in the twenty-first Century”, in Susser, Ida, ed. The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000, conclusion.
  6. Marshall, Tim, ed. Transforming Barcelona, London: Routledga, 2004
  7. Castells, Manuel, The City and the Grassroots, Berkerley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 1983, part 6, "A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Change", pp.289-336.
  8. Castells, Manuel, "Urban Sociology and Urban Politics: From a Critique to New Trends of Research", in Walton, John, and Louis H. Masotti, ed.The City in Comparative Perspective: Cross- National Research and New Direction in Theory, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976, pp.291-300.
  9. Pickvance, C. G., "Comparative Urban Analysis and Assumptions about Causality", paper presented at the Economic and Social Research Council/Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Conference on Comparative Research on Islamic and Arab Cities, Birkbeck College, London, 1984.( in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.10, No.2, 1986)
  10. Douglass, Mike, "Transnational Capital and Urbanization on the Pacific Rim", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.12, No.3, Sept. 1988, pp.343-355.
  11. Stuckey, Barbara, "Rural Substance, Migration and Urbanization: The Production, Destruction and Reproduction of Cheap Labour in the World Market Economy", Antipode, Vol.13, No.2, 1981, pp.1-14.
  12. Misra, R.P., "The Changing Perception of Development Problems", in Misra, R.P., and M. Honjo, ed. Changing Perception of Development Problems, Hong Kong: Maruen Asia, 1981.
  13. Weinstein, John, "Economic Development and the Quality of Life: A Structural Analysis of the Modernizer's Dilemma", Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol.xvi, No.3-4, 1981, pp.108-126.
  14. Jenkins, Rhys, "Divisions over the International Division of Labour", Capital & Class, N.22, Spring 1984, pp.28- 57.
  15. Lubeck, Paul, and John Walton, "Urban Class Conflict in Africa and Latin America: Comparative Analyses from a World Systems Perspective", in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, V.3, N.1, March 1979.
  16. Scott, Allen, ed. Global City-Regions: Trends, Theory, Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  17. Sassen, Saskia, ed. Global Networks Linked Cities, New York: Routledge, 2002.
  18. Graafland, Arie, “Introduction: Cities in Transition”, in Graafland, Arie, ed. Cities in Transition, Rotterdam:010 Publishers, 2001, pp.18-35.
  19. Kooijman, D., and Wigmans, G., “Managing the City: Flows and Places at Rotterdam Central Station”, City, Vol.7, No.3, pp.301-326.



第十一周 集體消費到網絡社會:Manuel Castells(二)




1.Castells, Manuel1998)《網絡社會之崛起》,夏鑄九等譯,台北:唐山出版社




  1. Castells, Manuel2001)《千禧年之終結》,夏鑄九等譯,台北:唐山出版社
  2. Castells, Manuel1997The Power of Identity. Blackwell.(有中譯本)
  3. AnnaLee Saxenian (1999)《區域優勢》,台北:天下
  4. Zugmunt Bauman (2001),《全球化對人類的深遠影響》,張君玫譯,台北:群學
  5. Castells, Manuel2007)《網絡星河》,鄭波等等譯,北京:社會科學文獻出版社
  6. 陳冠甫(1991)〈台灣高科技工業的依賴發展與空間結構〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,第三卷第一期。Pp.113-149.
  7. Castells, Manuel1997”The Other Face of the Earth: Social Movements against the New Global Order” The Power of Identity. Blackwell.pp.68-109.



session III: 建築與符號、後現代空間 


第十二周 空間符號學




  1. Barthes, Roland. (1979). The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies. New York: The Noonday Press.(李幼蒸譯,(1991),〈艾菲爾鐵塔〉,收於李幼蒸編譯《寫作的零度:結構主義文學理論文選》(頁156-168),台北︰時報。)
  2. Barthes, Roland(1986) ”Semiology and the Urban” in M. Gottdiener & Alexandors Ph. Logopoulos (eds.) The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics. New York: Columbia Univeristy Press. Pp.87-98 (中譯本〈符號學與都市〉收於夏鑄九、王志宏編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》,pp.527- 538 ,台北:明文書局)
  3. Gottdiener, M. and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos. (1986). “Introduction”, in M. Gottdiener and Alexandros ph. Lagopoulos (eds), The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics (pp. 1-22). New York: Columbia University Press.(吳瓊芬等譯,〈城市與符號(導言)〉,收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁505-526),台北︰明文書局。)



  1. Zukin, Sharon (1995) The Cultures of Cities, Oxford: Blackwell.
  2. Barthes, Roland. (1970/1982). Empire of Signs. New York: Hill and Wang.(孫乃修譯,(1993),《符號禪意東洋風》,台北:台灣商務。)
  3. Sennett, Richard (1988) “The Civitas of Seeing”, Place, Vol.5, No.4, pp.82-84.
  4. Barthes, Roland1952The Blue Guide, in Mythologies, Noonday, pp.74-77
  5. Savage, Mike (1995) “Walter Benjamin's Urban Thought: A Critical Analysis”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol.13, pp.201-216.
  6. Brennan, Thomas (1988) Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.


第十三周 空間的再現





  1. Fredric Jameson (1998) “Cognitive Mapping” in Cary Nelson & Lawrence Grossberg(eds) Marxism an the Interpretation Culture. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Pp.347-357.(有中譯)
  2. Fredric Jameson (1984)”Postomdernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism”, New Left Revew, No.146 July-Aug., pp.359-374)(有中譯)
  3. Fredric Jameson(1994)"Remapping Taipei" in Nick Browne et.el (Eds) New Chinese Cinema: Forms, Identities, Politics New York: Cambridge UP. Pp.117-150.(有中譯)remapping_taipai2.pdf
  4. 楊德昌《恐怖份子》





  1. Sennett, Richard (1994) “The Power of the Eye”, in Russell Ferguson eds. (1994)Urban Revisions: Current Projects for the Public Realm, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, pp.59-69.(有中譯)
  2. Sennett, Richard(1990), The Conscience of The Eye.New York: Norton
  3. Zukin, Sharon (1989).Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change. Routledge
  4. Zukin, Sharon. (1996). The Culture of Cities.Wiley-Blackwell
  5. 邱詠婷(2005).《全球化下的台北都市辯證消費奇觀的建構與另類出路之空間生產》國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所博士論文
  6. 董啟章(1997)《地圖集一個想像的城市的考古學》,台北:聯合文學
  7. Roland Tolention (1995)"Geopolitical Space and the Chinese 'City Film": A Prolegomenon to Transnational and Cinematic Space" in「海峽兩岸暨香港電影發展與文化變遷研討會」
  8. 伊塔羅˙卡爾維諾(1993)《看不見的城市》,台北:時報



第十四周 歷史批判學派:塔夫利與威尼斯學派



  1.  夏鑄九,理論建築(第三版),台北:台灣社會研究叢刊-21996,第五章。
  2. Tafuri, Manfredo, “There is No Criticism, Only History”, Design Book Review, No.9, Spring 1986, pp.8-11.(有中譯)
  3. Tafuri, Manfredo, “The Historical ‘Project’”, Oppositions, Summer, 1979, No.17, pp.55-75. (有中譯)
  4. Tafuri, Manfredo, Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1976 (Italian original 1973)




  1.  Tafuri, Manfredo, and Francesco Dal Co., Modern Architecture, New York: Henry N. Abrams, 1979. (有中譯)

  2. Ockman, Joan, et al. ed., Architecture Criticism Ideology, Princeton,New Jersey: Princeton Architectural Press, 1985. (esp. on the papers of Porphyrios and Jameson) (部分有中譯)
  3. Cohen, Lean-Louis Cohen, “This is Not History”, Casabella, No.619-620, 1995, pp.48-53. (有中譯)
  4. Tafuri, Manfredo, Theories and History of Architecture, New York: Harper, 1980. (Italian Original 1968/1970/1976) (有中譯)
  5. Tafuri, Manfredo, and Francesco Dal Co., Modern Architecture, New York: Henry N. Abrams, 1979. (有中譯)
  6. Ockman, Joan, et al. ed., Architecture Criticism Ideology, Princeton,New Jersey: Princeton Architectural Press, 1985. (esp. on the papers of Porphyrios and Jameson) (部分有中譯)
  7. Cohen, Lean-Louis Cohen, “This is Not History”, Casabella, No.619-620, 1995, pp.48-53. (有中譯)
  8. Foucault, Michel, “Nietzche, Genealogy, History”, in Bouchard, Donald F., ed., Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1971, pp.139-164.
  9. Ginzburg, Carlo, The Enigama of Piero: Piero della Francesca: The Baptism, The Arrezzo Cycle, The Flagellation, London: Verso, 1985, pp.1-15 (including: Burke, Peter, “Introduction: Carlo Ginzburg, Detecctive”).
  10. Ginzburg, Carlo, 1987, “Morelli, Freud and Sherlock Holmes: Class and Scientific Method”, History Workshop: A Journal of Socialist Historians, No.9, Spring, pp.5-36.
  11. Bois, Yve-Alain, “Rev. of Theories and History of Architecture”, by Manfredo Tafuri, Oppositions, No.11, Winter 1977, pp.118-123.
  12. MacLeod, Mary, “Introduction to The Sphere and the Labyrinth”, 1988 
  13. Llorens, Thomas, “Manfredo Tafuri: Neo-Avant-Garde and History”, Architectural Design Profile, 1981, pp.83-95.
  14. Tafuri, Manfredo, “The ‘New Constantinople’: The Representation of the ‘Renovatio’ in Venice during the Humanism (1450-1590)”, Ressegna, Vol.4, No.9, March, 1982, pp.25-38. (有中譯)
  15. Tafuri, Manfredo, “Architecture and ‘Poverty’”, Architectural Design, July-Aug, 1982, pp.57-58.
  16. Tafuri, Manfredo, “Humanism, Technical Knowledge and Rhetoric: the Debate in Renaissance Venice”, Walter Groupius Lecture April 30, 1986, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design.
  17. Tafuri, Manfredo, The Sphere and Labyrinth: Avant-Gardes and Architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s, Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press, 1987. (Original Italian edition 1980)
  18. Tafuri, Manfredo, Venice and the Renaissance, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1989.
  19. Tafuri, Manfredo, History of Italian Architecture, 1944-1985, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989. (Original Italian Edition 1982, 1986)
  20. Tafuri, Manfredo, “Urban Development Strategies in Renaissance Italy”, Zodiarc, 1989, pp.12-43.
  21. Tafuri, Manfredo, et al., The American City: from the Civil War to the New Deal, Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press, 1980.



第十五周 權力與空間:Michel Foucault



1.Michael Foucault (1980) ” The eye of Power” in his Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews & Other Writing 1972-1977. New York: Pantheon Books. Pp.146-165) (中譯收於王志弘譯(1992)《當代》74:97-115)

2.Michael Foucault (1986) ”Of Other Spaces” Diacritics, 16(1)(spring):22-27) (中譯收於王志弘譯(1992)《當代》74:97-115)(中譯收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁399-409),台北︰明文書局)





  1. 傅科(1992)《規訓與懲罰-監獄的誕生》,台北:桂冠。
  2. Gwendolyn Wright & Paul Rabinow (1982) ”Spatialization of Power: A Discussion of the work of Michel Foucault” Skyline, March, pp.14-45) (中譯收於王志弘譯(1992)《當代》74:97-115)(中譯收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁375-384),台北︰明文書局)
  3. David Sibley(1995) Geographies of Exclusion. Routledge.



第十六周 後現代空間(一)



  1. 大衛哈維(2005)〈社會正義、後現代主義和城市〉,收錄於羅崗編《帝國、都市與現代性》,江蘇人民出版社。頁199-215
  2. Neil Smith (1992) “New City, New Frontier: The Lower East Site as Wild, Wild West” in Michael Sorkin ed. Variations on A Theme Park. Hoonday. Pp.61-93.



  1. David Harvey (1991) The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. Part 1 pp. 3-120.
  2. David Harvey (1996) Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference. Blackwelll.
  3. William Lim Siew-Wai (2001) Urbanism of Postmodernity, 都市設計學報15、16期。
  4. 索雅(Edward W. Soja)《第三空間》,王志弘等譯。台北:桂冠
  5. 索雅(2005)〈後現代地理學和歷史主義的批判〉,收錄於羅崗編《帝國、都市與現代性》,江蘇人民出版社。頁216-238
  6. 索雅(2006)《后大都市─ 城市與區域的批判性研究》,上海:上海教育出版社



第十七周 撰寫期末報告

第十八周 撰寫期末報告 

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