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2012秋 文化研究

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國立高雄師範大學 101學年度教學綱 

2012  跨領域文化研究 Cultural Studies 





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2. 009




1. 莞筑Doing Culture Study- The Sony Walkman 












2.舒婷 Learning to Labour by Paul E. Willis




1. 尚恩

2. 瑀玫

3. 寶惠

4. 雅雯






3. 009























Basic Arguments 




  1. 約翰史都瑞(2003)《文化理論與通俗文化導論》。()李根芳、周素鳳譯。台北:巨流。
  2. Graeme Turner1998)唐維敏譯《英國文化研究導論》。(British culture studies- An Introduction, 2nd ed)。臺北:亞太圖書,1998
  3. Antonio Gramsci (1971),〈文化與意識型態霸權〉。《文化社會學》,台北:立緒。pp63-74



第二周 文化研究系譜學 


  1. 陳光興(1994),〈文化研究在英國的歷史變動軌跡〉,收於唐維敏等譯《文化、社會與媒體:批判性觀點》, pp. v-xxii.,台北:遠流。
  2. 陳光興(2000),〈文化研究在台灣到底意味著什麼?〉,收於陳光興編《文化研究在台灣》, pp.7-25,台北:巨流。
  3. 陳光興著唐維敏譯(1998《文化研究:霍爾訪談錄》Cultural studies: dialogues with Stuart Hall)台北:元尊文化。



  1. Barker, Chris. (2000). “An introduction to cultural studies”, in Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice, pp.3-34. London: Sage. (有中譯本,《文化研究 : 理論與實踐》,羅世宏譯,臺北:五南)
  2. Clifford Geertz1977,The Interpretation of Culture. Basic Books. (有簡體中譯)CHAPTER 1, 8,11  
  3. Johnson, Richard. (2000). 究竟什麼是文化研究〉,孟登迎譯,收於羅鋼、劉象愚主編《文化研究讀本》, pp. 3-65,北京:中國社會科學出版社。
  4. Paul Smith eds. (2006). Cultural Studies: An Essential Reader(有中譯本,《文化研究精粹讀本》,陶東風編,北京:中國人民大學出版社)
  5. Sardar, Ziauddin. (1997). Cultural Studies for Beginners. Cambridge: Icon Books.(陳貽寶譯,(1999),《文化研究》,台北:立緒。)
  6. Jenks, Chris. (1993). Culture. London: Rutledge.(俞智敏、陳光達、王淑燕譯,(1998),《文化》,台北:巨流。)
  7. 孫紹誼,(1995),〈通俗文化、意識形態與話語結構伯明罕文化研究學派述評〉,《當代》114: 68-89.
  8. Turner, Graeme. (1996). "The idea of cultural studies", in British Cultural Studies: An Introduction (2nd ed.)(pp. 11-37). London: Routledge.(唐維敏譯,(1998),《英國文化研究導論》,台北︰亞太。)
  9. Connor, Steven. (2000). "Cultural Sociology and Cultural Sciences," in Bryan S. Turner (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory (2nd ed.)(pp. 352-385). Oxford: Blackwell.
  10. 李有成(2002),〈階級、文化物質主義與文化研究〉,收於張漢良編《方法:文學的路》(pp. 15-32),台北:國立台灣大學出版中心。
  11. Andrew Tudor(1999) Decoding Culture- Theory and Method in Cultural Cultural Studies, London:Sage
  12. 初民安主編(2007)《文化研究關鍵詞》(Key Word in Culture Studies),江蘇人民出版社
  13. Barker, Chris.(2006)《文化研究智典》,許孟芸譯,台北:韋伯
  14. Jeff Lewis(2006)《文化研究的基礎》,邱誌勇、許夢芸譯,台北:韋伯
  15. 吳潛誠編(1998)《文化與社會》,臺北:立緒
  16. 陳光興(2005)《連帶批判:2005年亞洲華人文化論壇》,臺北:台灣社會研究季刊
  17. 羅剛、劉象愚主編(2000)《文化研究讀本》,北京:中國社會科學研究社
  18. Eagelton, Terry (2008), “Culture Conundrum” Guardian, 21 May, 2008.
  19. Turner, Graeme (2003) British Cultural Studies. London, Routledge.
  20. Williams, Raymond (1977) Marxism and Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp75-100  
  21. 文化研究學會http://www.csat.org.tw/



文化行動影片大蒐集 http://www.filmsforaction.org/walloffilms/


第三周 文化轉向與爭論 


  1. 泰瑞依格頓(2002)《文化的理念》,前三章,林志忠譯。台北:巨流。
  2. Eagleton, Terry (2005). 《理論之後》(After Theory台北商週.(前三章)
  3. Stall Hall (1992) "Cultural Studies and its Theoretical Legacies". in Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paula Treichler eds. Cultural Studies. London: Rutledge.  pp277-294.



  1. Jameson, Fredric (1998) The Cultural TurnLondon. Verso.
  2. Jameson, Fredric (1993) “On ‘Cultural Studies’” in Social Text, No.33, Durham, Duke University Press. 
  3. Harvey, David (1990) The Condition of Postmodernity. Cambridge MA & Oxford. Blackwell. pp284-307  
  4. Hall, Stuart. (1980). “Cultural studies: two paradigms”, Media, Culture and Society, 2: 57-72.(中譯:孟登迎譯,(2000),文化研究:兩種範式,收於羅鋼、劉象愚主編《文化研究讀本》(pp. 51-65),北京:中國社會科學出版社。)
  5. 齊格蒙特曼(2009)《作為實踐的文化》,北京大學出版社
  6. 各期《文化研究月報》(網路版)。http://hermes.hrc.ntu.edu.tw/csa/journal/index.asp
  7. Eagleton, Terry (1996). Literary theory : an introduction. Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell. (有中譯本)
  8. Barker, Chris(2000). Cultural studies : theory and practice (有中譯本,《文化研究 : 理論與實踐》羅世宏譯臺北市 : 五南, 2004
  9. Barker, Chris. (2002). Making Sense of Cultural Studies: Central Problems and Critical Debates. London: Sage.(選讀ch.1, ch.2 & ch.3
  10. Lawrence Grossberg (2006) 文化研究之罪,收於《文化研究精粹讀本》,陶東風編,北京:中國人民大學出版社,pp.120-132



第四周 文化研究在亞洲 

  1. 陳光興(2006)《去帝國:亞洲作為方法》,臺北:行人出版社。第一章〈帝國之眼〉與第四章〈去帝國〉
  2. Partha Chatterjee 2000)〈民主和國家暴力:一個死亡的交涉〉, in 晨光興編《發現政治社會─現代性、國家暴力與後殖民民主》,台北:巨流。 pp91-116.


The Production of Culture 


第五周 文化的生產/生產的文化(一) 


  1. du Gay, Paul, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Hugh Mackay, and Keith Negus. (1997)Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman. London: Sage.(有中譯本)
  2. Robins, Kevin. (1997). “What in the world’s going on?”, in Paul. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 11-66). London: Sage.(有中譯本)



  1. 董啟章(1999)《The Catalog》香港:三人出版社
  2. Negus, Keith. (1997). “The production of culture”, in Pai;. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 67-118). London: Sage. (有中譯本)
  3. Braham, Peter. (1997). “Fashion: unpacking a cultural production”, in Paul. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 119-176). London: Sage.
  4. Nixon, Sean. (1997). “Circulating culture”, in P. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 177-234). London: Sage.
  5. Salaman, Graeme. (1997). “Culturing production”, in P. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 235-284). London: Sage.du Gay, Paul. (1997). “Organizing identity: making up people at work”, in P. du Gay (ed.), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production (pp. 285-344). London: Sage.
  6. Coleridge, Nicholas. (1995).《流行陰謀:名牌時裝帝國遊記》(The Fashion Conspiracy)(張定綺譯),台北:時報。
  7. 張苙雲主編,(2000),「文化產業:文化生產的結構分析」專輯,《台灣產業研究》第三期,台北:遠流。
  8. 張小虹,(1998),《情慾微物論》,台北:大田。
  9. Anna Schober2002)《牛仔褲─ 叛逆、狂野與性感的自我表述》(陳素幸譯),台北:藍鯨出版社


第六周 文化的生產/生產的文化(二)



  1. Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer (1944/1979) “ The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” in Dialectic of Enlightenment, London:Verso(有中譯)原文連結
  2. Water Benjamin (1978), “The Author as Producer” in Reflections. Edited by Peter Demetz. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, INC. pp220 原文連結
  3. Water Benjamin (1955), 〈機器複製時代的藝術作品〉,收錄於漢娜阿倫特編,《啟迪本雅明文選》,牛津大學出版社  原文連結



  1. Grossberg, Lawrence (1997). “Replacing Popular Culture”. The Clubcultures Reader. Steve Redhead, Derek Wynne and Justin O'Connor. London, Blackwell:217-236.
  2. F. R. Jameson (2004) 〈大眾文化的具體化與烏托邦〉收錄於王振逢編《文化研究和政治意識》詹姆遜文集第三卷,北京:中國人民大學出版社。pp.52-84
  3. F. R. Jameson (2004) 〈當代大眾文化中的階級與寓言〉收錄於王振逢編《文化研究和政治意識》詹姆遜文集第三卷,北京:中國人民大學出版社。pp.85-113
  4. 朱元鴻(2000)〈文化工業:因繁榮而即將作廢的類概念〉,收錄於張笠雲編《文化產業文化生產的結構分析》,台北:遠流. Pp. 11-46
  5. 阿多諾,〈文化工業再探〉,收錄於吳潛誠編(1998)《文化與社會》,臺北:立緒。Pp.318-328



第七、八周 文化的生產/生產的文化(三)  


  1. Thompson, E. P. (1963/1980). The Making of the English Working Class. London: Penguin Books.(賈士蘅譯,(2001),《英國工人階級的形成》,上下兩冊,台北:麥田出版社。)
  2. Paul Wills1981 Learning to Labor, Columbia University Press; Morningside Ed edition



  1. Donkin, Richard. (2001).《血、汗與淚水:人類工作的演化》(Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Evolution of Work)(張美惠譯),台北:時報。
  2. Paulo Freire2000Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Continuum International Publishing Group; 30 Anv Sub edition
  3. Julie Bettie2002Women without Class: Girls, Race, and Identity. University of California Press
  4. Paul Wills (1997) 〈男子氣概與工廠勞動的關係〉,收於《文化社會學》,台北:立緒。pp230-248 
  5. 何明修的簡介http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~msho/public.files/m34.pdf


 Representation and Politics of Exhibitions  


 第九、十周 再現、他者與展覽的政治學 


  1. Hall, Stuart. (1997). “The work of representation”, in S. Hall (ed.), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (pp. 13-74). London: Sage.(有中譯版,《表徵:文化表象與意指實踐》,2003, 北京:商務圖書)
  2. Lidchi, Henrietta. (1997). “The poetics and the politics of exhibiting other cultures”, in S. Hall (ed.), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (pp. 151-222). London: Sage.有中譯
  3. Hall, Stuart. (1997). “The spectacle of the ‘other’ ”, in S. Hall (ed.), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (pp. 223-290). London: Sage.有中譯本
  4. 吉田俊哉2005)《博覽會的政治學》台北群學



  1. Guha, Ranajit (1988) “Preface,’ ‘On Some Aspects of the Historiography of Colonial India,’ ‘A note on the terms “elite”, “people”, “subaltern”, etc. as used above.’ In Selected Subaltern Studies. Eds. Ranajit Guha & Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 36-44. Also extracts from ‘The Prose of Counter-Insurgency,’ pp. 45-88.




第十一、十二周 後殖民  


  1. Edward W. Said (2000),《文化與帝國主義》,臺北:立緒. 導論,I & IV
  2. Edward W. Said (1999)《東方主義》,台北:立緒。pp1-40; pp41-69; pp413-492;後記
  3. Frantz Fanon (2005), 《黑皮膚,白面具》,臺北:心靈工坊
  4. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (1988) ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ In Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Eds. Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, pp. 271-316. 原文連結(有關作者介紹)&文章原文 



  1. John Urry 2007,《觀光客的凝視》,臺北:書林
  2. Edward W. Said(2002)《遮蔽的伊斯蘭:西方媒體眼下的穆斯林世界》,臺北:立緒


Public spaces and community  


第十三、四周 共同體與公共空間


  1. Benedict Anderson1999《想像的共同體》,台北:時報出版社。第章、第10  11 章。
  2. Arendt, Hennah (1958) The Human Condition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.(有中譯本,劉峰譯文)(可參考蔡英文(2002),《政治實踐與公共空間漢娜鄂蘭的政治思想》,台北:聯經,第四章。)



  1. Zukin, Sharon. (1991). “Disney world: the power of facade/the facade of power”, in Landscape of Power: From Detroit to Disney World (pp. 217-250). Berkeley: University of California Press.(有中譯)
  2. Habermas, Jurgen (1989) The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society, Cambridge: Polity Press. (曹衛東等譯,《公共領域的結構轉型》,台北:聯經,2002。)(另可參考汪暉、陳燕谷主編,《文化與公共性》,北京:三聯,1998。)
  3. Calhoun, Craig (1993) Habermas and the Public Sphere, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
  4. Brill, Michael (1989) “Transformation, Nostalgia, and Illusion in Public Life and Public Place”, in Irwin Altman and Ervin Zube eds. Public Places and Spaces, New York: Plenum, pp.7- 29.
  5. Glazer, Nathan and Mark Lilla eds. (1987) The Public Face of Architecture: Civic Culture and Public Spaces, New York: The Free Press.
  6. Ferguson, Russell eds. (1994) Urban Revisions: Current Projects for the Public Realm, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
  7. Bogart, Michele H. (1989) Public Sculpture and the Civic Ideal in New York City, 1890-1930, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  8. Calhoun, Craig (1996) “Social Theory and the Public Sphere”, in Bryan Turner The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.429-470.
  9. Whyte, William (1988City: Rediscovering the Center, New York: Doubleday.
  10. Hooper, Barbara (1998) “The Poem of Male Desires: Female Bodies, Modernity, and ‘Paris, Capital of the 19th Century’”, in Leonie Sandercock eds. Making the Invisible Visible: A Multicultural Planning History, Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, pp.227-254.
  11. Pratt, Geraldine (2000) “Private and Public Sphere”, in R.J. Johnston et al. eds. The Dictionary of Human Geography, Fourth Edition, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.636-637
  12. Niel Smith. (1992). “New City, New Frontier:The Lower East Side as Wild Wild West”, Sorkin, Michael (ed.), Variations on a Theme Park (pp. 61-93). New York: The Nooday Press.
  13. Jean-Luc Nancy "The Inoperative Community" in The Inoperative Community. 可參考:儂曦,《解構共同體》(蘇哲安翻譯)  
  14. 夏鑄九 (1994),《公共空間》,台北:文建會/藝術家。
  15. Suzanne Lacy (2004),《量繪形貌:新類型公共藝術》,吳瑪俐等/譯,臺北:遠流
  16. 夏鑄九(1997)〈再理論公共空間〉,《城市與設計學報》,第2-3期,頁63-76
  17. 夏鑄九(1994)〈()構公共空間──理論的反省〉,《台灣社會研究》,第16期,頁21-54
  18. Thrift, Nigel. (1997). “ ‘Us’ and ‘them’: re-imagining places, re-imagining identities”, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 159-212). London: Sage.
  19. 新左評論簡史 Benedict Anderson 專訪
  20. 破報專訪  http://pots.tw/node/5063


Aesthetic Politics  


第十五周 日常生活的批判  


  1. Henri Lefebvre (1991) Marxism as Critical Knowledge of Everyday Life, in Critique of Everyday Life. pp138-175. London:Verso 
  2. Michel de Certeau (1984) The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkley: University of California Press. (part 1:A very ordinary culture pp.1-42; part VII working in the city pp91-110)



  1. Benjamin, Walter (1978) “A Berlin Chronicle” in Reflections. New York. Schocken Books, pp 3-60.
  2. Finegan, Ruth. (1997)."Storying the self": personal narratives and identity, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 65-112). London: Sage.
  3. Miller, Daniel. (1997). “Consumption and its consequences”, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 13-64). London: Sage.
  4. Bocock, Robert. (1993). Consumption. London: Routledge(中譯:張君玫、黃鵬仁譯,(1996),《消費》,台北:巨流。)
  5. Angela McRobbie (2000).《後現代主義與大眾文化》,田曉菲譯,北京:中央編譯出版社
  6. Finnegan, Ruth. (1997). “Music, performance and enactment”, in H. Mackay (ed.), Consumption and Everyday Life (pp. 113-158). London: Sage.


 第十六、七周  品味與秀異 


  1. Bourdieu (1997) 藝術品味與文化資產,收於《文化社會學》,台北:立緒。pp259-276 
  2. Bourdieu Pierre(1987). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Harvard University Press. 

               Introduction 1-8;

              1.The Aristocracy of Culture 11-17;

              3.The Habitus and the space of  Life-Styles 196-225

              5 The Sense of Distinction 260-266



  1. Bourdieu (1993), The Field of Cultural Production, Columbia University Press. pp.29-141
  2. Bourdieu (1996), The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. Stanford University Press. pp.47-173.
  3. Bourdieu and Darbel(1997), The Love of Art: European Art Museums and their Public.Polity Press.



第十八週 期末報告撰寫  


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