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2012 Spring 視覺文化研究

Page history last edited by inertia 12 years, 2 months ago

國立高雄師範大學 100  學年度教學綱要

科目名稱:視覺文化研究              □必修   R選修     教師: 黃孫權               

任課班級:夜美術教學 碩一

每學期開課學分數:上學期    學分     下學期 2   學分

總學分數:  2   學分   每週上課時數:  2   小時

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視覺文化分析一課程將以視覺的概念為主軸探討相關之文化理論。視覺理論不能只定位在「眼睛視覺」,視覺文化理論所檢視的是,在當代社會之中所產生的文化意義;其歷史所牽涉到當代社會的主體建構,以及世界圖像與日常生活的文化意義之產出與閱讀。「視覺」既不是獨立於真實經驗存在的現象,也不可能脫離社會性;視覺化的歷史是階級、性別、族群的組成,具有意義競逐( contested) 與詰辯( debated) 的特質。










Jessica Evans and Stuart Hall eds.(2007) Visual Culture: the reader, London:Sage

Griselda Pollock (1988)《視線與差異》,台北:遠流

Gillian Rose 編(2006)《視覺研究導論》,台北:群學 




Week 1 課程介紹


Week 2 視覺理論概論

Gillan Rose (2006) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Open University (中譯本:《視覺研究導論》)(01-研究視覺材料)


Week 3 詮釋與內容

Gillan Rose (2006) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Open University (中譯本:《視覺研究導論》)(02-好眼力)

Gillan Rose (2006) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Open University (中譯本:《視覺研究導論》)(03-內容分析)


Week 4 符號學

Gillan Rose (2006) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Open University (中譯本:《視覺研究導論》)(04-符號學)


Week 5 Barthes

Barthes, R.  Mythologies 

#The Blue Guide,  pp.74-77;

Rhetoric of the image. pp33-40 in Visual Culture: the reader

Myth today. pp.51-58, in Visual Culture: the reader


Week 6 Barthes

*Barthes, R. 1981. Camera Lucida. Trans. By Howard, Richard. Hill and Wang.(有中譯本,明室


Week 7 論述分析

Gillan Rose (2006) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Open University (中譯本:《視覺研究導論》)(06-論述分析)

Gillan Rose (2006) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Open University (中譯本:《視覺研究導論》)(07-論述分析)

Berger, John. 1972. Ways of Seeing.(有中譯本)


Week 8   Foucault : panopticism

Foucault, M. 1977. ‘Panopticism"  in Discipline and Punishment. London: Penguin.(有中譯本)


Week 9  Foucault: the clinical gaze

Foucault. 1973. Birth of the Clinic: An archaeology of Medical Perception. Preface and Pp.3-219(有中譯本)


Week 10 Colonial photography

Bhabha, Homi. ‘The Other question: the stereotype and colonial discourse’ in the Sexual Subject: A Screen Reader in Sexuality. or in Visual Culture: the reader. pp.370-378


Week 11  The Others and images

Susan Sontag,  ,《旁觀他人之痛苦》

Sunan Sontag, 《論攝影》

Susan Sontag, The image-world, in Visual Culture: the reader.  pp80-94


Week 12 Feminism critics

Griselda Pollack, 《視線與差異》1.導論;2.視線、聲音與權力


Week 13 Feminism critics

Griselda Pollack, 《視線與差異》3.現代性與陰柔氣質;7 放映七零年代

Laura Mulvey, Visual pleasure and narrative cinema, in Visual Culture: the reader. pp.381-389


Week 14、15、16 modernity, postmodenity and cinema

Jameson, Fredric. 1991 Nostalgia. Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalism .London : Verso, 1991

Fredric Jameson (1994) "Remapping Taipei" in  Nick Browne et.el (Eds) New Chinese Cinema: Forms, Identities, Politics New York: Cambridge UP. Pp.117-150.(有中譯)





Week 17 postmodern flaneur /shopper

Friedberg, Anne. The Mobilized and Virtual Gaze in Modernity: Flaneur/Flaneuse’in Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern.(高師大圖書館館藏電子書版本)


Week 18 撰寫期末報告


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