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2013 spring 文化行動研究

Page history last edited by 蕭晴湘 10 years, 11 months ago


Culture Activism


科目名稱: 文化行動研究         □必修   R選修      教師: 黃孫權              

任課班級: 跨領域藝術研究所

每學期開課學分數:上學期    學分     下學期  3  學分

總學分數:  3   學分   每週上課時數:  3   小時

連繫電話: 07 7172930 ex 3033




文化行動(cultural activism)乃為全球化特殊下的社會實踐,,從六零年代後即成為反文化以及社會實踐的另翼之途。本課程將以兩種方向進行,一是對於 「行動主義」理論的探索,包含了文化行動,市民不服從、非暴力抗爭、次文化與反文化、藝術行動(art as activism)介紹與反思;第二個方向,則是介紹各國實際案例。同學們可以透過各種議題的演講、研究與討論,思考並學習如何以藝術/文化介入社會,其必須的工具、倫理與視野。


























































3.宇恆-video for change


























第一周 課程說明:藝術行動與行動者的藝術




抵抗的全球化 (上) (下) 




第二周 行動者社會學




  1. 亞蘭.杜漢(Alain Touraine)(2002)舒詩偉、許甘霖、蔡宜剛譯,《行動者的歸來》,台北:麥田



  1. 羅莎‧盧森堡(Róża Luksemburg) 《獄中札記》(Briefe aus dem Gefängnis)
  2.  網路上其他人引導的「行動者的歸來」(一)(二)
  3. 赫伯特‧馬庫色(2001),《反革命與反叛》臺北:立緒    



第三周 六零年代反文化


  1. 趙剛譯著(1994)《法國1968-終結的開始》,臺北:聯經出版社 下載:http://sync.hamicloud.net/_oops/inertiaism/yj6
  2. Jameson, Fredric (2000). 〈六零年代斷代(Periodizing 60s)〉.收錄於王逢振編 《六零年代》天津:天津社會科學院. (線上閱讀:60年代斷代(P.1~53)、新左派何時是新的(P.54~112))



  1. 大衛‧柏納(2004)《六零年代(Making Peace With The 60s)》臺北:麥田
  2. Tschumi, Bernard, and Martin Pawley. "The Beaux-Arts Since '68." Architectural Design, July 1971.
  3. Jonathan Finebrg (2006) 〈「垮掉的一代」:美國的五零年代〉, 《一九四零年以來的藝術》, pp.226-291
  4. Allen Ginsberg, "Howl" . http://members.tripod.com/~Sprayberry/poems/howl.txt 中譯 "嚎叫" , 影片Howl
  5. Mark Rudd (2009) Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weathermen. William Morrow
  6. David Gilbert (2002) SDS/WUO, Students For A Democratic Society And The Weather Underground Organization, Abraham Guillen Press/Arm the Spirit; Pmplt edition
  7. (影片)The Weather Undergroundindependent television services.
  8. (影片)Berkeley in Sixties


第四週 國際情境主義與達達運動


  1.  Gardiner, Michael E. (2000) “Dada and surrealism: poetics of everyday life”, in Critiques of Everyday Life (pp. 24-42). London: Routledge
  2.  Gardiner, Michael E. (2000) “The situationist international: revolution at the service of poetry”, in Critiques of Everyday Life (pp. 102-126). London: Routledge.



  1. Greil Marcus (1990) Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth CenturyHarvard University Press.
  2. McKenzie Wark (2008) 50 Years of Recuperation of the Situationist International, Princeton Architectural Press, New York
  3. Guy Debord (2006) . Society of the Spectacle. Ak Press(中譯本:《景觀社會》,南京大學) 網路上的「居伊.德波的「景觀社會論」/宋國誠
  4. 網路影片:Society of the Spectacle.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g34XVscFkIs 
  5. Tom McDonough. (2002) Guy Debord and the Situationist International, MIT Press
  6. Highmore, Ben (2005)〈超現實主義:日常生活的奇妙之處〉,收於《日常生活與文化理論》(周群英譯)(pp. 65-87),台     北:韋伯文化。
  7. Water Benjamin (1978), “Surrealism – the Last Snapshot of the European Intelligentsia” in Reflections. Edited by Peter Demetz.  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, INC. pp177-192. 
  8. Guy Debord的實驗影片系列
  9.  Tzara, Dada Manifesto(1918) , http://www.freemedialibrary.com/index.php/Dada_Manifesto_(1918,_Tristan_Tzara)
  10. Dada Manifesto (1916, Hugo Ball) http://www.freemedialibrary.com/index.php/Dada_Manifesto_%281916%2C_Hugo_Ball%29
  11. Situationist國際文本圖書館http://

  12. 網路影片:http://tw.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers.chello.nl%2Fj.seegers1%2Fsituationist%2Fsi.html&lp=en_zt&.intl=tw&fr=yfp





第五、六、七、八周 全球化運動及其不滿


  1. Naomi Klein, "Opening Salvo", in We are every where. London:Verso (pp.11-19) 下載:http://sync.hamicloud.net/_oops/inertiaism/cqf
  2. Notes from Nowhere, 2003, We are every where. Emergence : an irresistible global uprising. London:Verso (pp.19-60)
  3. Cockburn, Alexander, Jeffrey St. Clair, et al. (2001). Five Days That Shook the World:The Battle for Seattle and Beyond. New York, Verso.
  4. Naomi Klein ,《震撼主義》 
  5. 劉建芝主編(2009)抵抗的全球化(上、下兩冊)北京:人民文學出版社  



  1. 張翠容(2013)《地中海的春天》,台北:馬可孛羅 
  2. 張翠容(2009)《拉丁美洲真相之路》,台北:馬可孛羅  
  3. Reed, T. V.(2005), The Art Of Protest: Culture And Activism From The Civil Rights Movement To The Streets Of Seattle, Univ of Minnesota Press
  4. Benjamin Shepard and Ronald Hayduk eds (2002), From ACTUP to the WTO, London:Verso
  5. 《大事件》, http://www.inmediahk.net/node/171440
  6. (影片)Battle in Seattle.
  7. (影片)The Fourth World War.
  8. (網路影片)2005 1217 anti-WTO movement. HK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZxDSDriJZ8 
  9. we are everywhere : http://www.weareeverywhere.org/
  10.  Ruckus Society - Civil Disobedience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6koaLh51uOo
  11. Mike Roselle and James Guin McGuinness stop blasting on CherryPondMountain :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLQdCA9l4Qc
  12. 我們去抗議吧?(Shall we protest?),從網路走到街頭的韓國市民抗爭,(中文字幕)http://shallweprotest.net/zh/



1. 1999西雅圖運動;2005香港反WTO運動;拉丁美洲的運動;埃及與中東的茉莉花革命



第九週 墨西哥原住民運動


  1. 戴錦華、劉建芝編,《蒙面騎士─墨西哥副司令馬科斯文集》。上海:上海人民出版社。(特別分析其第一部份:歷史上的爪痕 甲蟲杜里托:窒息之夜故事集 pp.56-126。 安托尼奧老人:智者言說 pp.127-170)下載:http://sync.hamicloud.net/_oops/inertiaism/zls


  1. 吳音寧(2004)《蒙面叢林》,臺北:印刻文學
  2. Adrienne Russell (2005) Myth and the Zapatista movement: exploring a network identity. In New Media & Society. Vol14(4) pp.559-577
  3. Subcomandante Marcos (2004),The Hourglass of the Zapatistas, in Tom Mertes ed. A Movement of Movements, London:Verso. pp3-15
  4. (影片)Zapatista (Running Time: 56 min, Spanish with English subtitles)
  5. (影片)Caracoles: New Paths of Resistance (running time: 42 min., Spanish with English subtitles) 
  6. (影片) A Place Called Chiapas (running time:93min, Spanish with English Subtitles)




第十周 生態運動


  1. 亞歷斯‧普斯(2008)〈地球優先!保衛大地之母,直言無諱〉,收錄於喬治馬凱編《派對與革命》,pp.189-212
  2. 喬治‧蒙拜奧特(2008)〈重回原野以及山蔭道上!土地歸我們抗爭行動〉收錄於喬治馬凱編《派對與革命》,pp.213-226
  3. Notes from Nowhere, 2003, We are every where. Networks the ecology of movements. London: Verso (pp.63-102)


  1. 彼德.葛萊克(2012)《瓶裝水的故事》,台北:山岳
  2. Rik Scarce(2005), Eco-warriors: Understanding the Radical Environmental Movement,Left Coast Press; 2Rev Ed edition
  3. Dave Foreman(1993)Confessions of an Eco-Warrior, Three Rivers Press
  4. Christopher Manes (1991) Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization, Back Bay Books
  5. Steven Best (2006) Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth, AK Press
  6. Craig Rosebraugh (2004) Burning Rage of a Dying Planet: Speaking for the Earth Liberation Front, Lantern Books
  7. Steven Best and Anthony J., II Nocella eds. (2004), Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?: Reflections on the Liberation of Animals. Lantern Books
  8. 李靜怡(2006)她們就是牠們──血汗工廠與動物工廠的全球毀滅競賽, 破報復刊441期  http://pots.tw/node/394
  9. Peter Singer(1990)《動物解放》,臺北:關懷生命協會
  10. (影片)《台灣農場記實》台灣動物社會研究會
  11. (影片)《拒絕商業化的放生》台灣動物社會研究會
  12. (影片)《慘絕人寰的時尚 每件皮草都殘酷》網路: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZBJnJ4vWLI&feature=channel_page 
  13. 《蒙面騎士—薩帕塔解放軍副司令馬科斯文集》序言:http://blog.udn.com/ChenBoDa/2585310
  14. (影片)《把花獻給狗》http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB7xpgG4LkE
  15. (影片)血色海灣
  16. (影片) 食品公司
  17. (影片) 家園(地球記錄影片)


第十一周 獨立媒體


  1. 黃孫權(2006)〈獨立媒體的熱情與實用主義〉,破週報復刊276期  http://heterotopias.org/node/197
  2. Ana Nogueira (2002) "The birth and promise of the indymedia revolution" in Benjamin Shepard and Ronald Hayduk eds.  From ACTUP to the WTO, pp290-297
  3. 湯姆斯‧赫汀 (2008). 〈攝錄行動萬歲!攝錄行動主義以及抗議行動〉. 收錄於喬治馬凱編《派對與革命》,pp.103-124
  4. Sam Gregory, Gillian Caldwell, Ronit Avni and Thomas Harding eds.(2005) Video For Change – a guide fro advocacy and activism. London: Pluto Press section 3,4,7 



  1. Harding, The video activist handbook.  pluto press.
  2. Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner (2004) “New media and internet activism: from the ‘Battle of Seattle’ to blogging”. New Media Society, Feb 2004; 6: 87 – 95
  3. Dan Gillmor (2004) We the Media- Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People, Orielly(有中譯本)
  4. Stefan Wray, ”Electronic Civil Disobedience and the World Wide Web of Hacktivism”, S W I T C H , V:4 N:2
  5. Jeffrey S Juris (2005), “The New Digital Media and Activist Networking within Anti– Corporate Globalization Movements “, ANNALS, AAPSS, 597, pp.189-208
  6. Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner (2004) “New media and internet activism: from the ‘Battle of Seattle’ to blogging”. New Media Society, Feb 2004; 6: 87 - 95.
  7. Tim Clark (2003) “Citizen Reporters Sound Off Against Traditional Media”, in OJR, Japan Media Review,
  8. Platon and Mark Deuze (2003) “Indymedia journalism-A radical way of making, selecting and sharing news” in Journalism, Vol. 4, No. 3, 336-355
  9. Tom Postmes and Suzanne Brunsting, “Collective Action in the Age of the Internet-Mass Communication and Online Mobilization”, in Social Science Computer Review, Vol. 20 No. 3, Fall 2002 290-301
  10. Reporters Without Border (2005) For Bloggers and Cyberdissidents
  11. 早洩兄(2006)911是布希與CIA幹的?!《Loose Change》,破報復刊411期 http://pots.tw/node/388
  12. (影片)i the Film 
  13. (影片) Under Currents 系列影片
  14. (影片)Steal the Film.
  15. (影片) loose Change http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-307415958406462281# 


【案例研究】獨立媒體中心;公視的Peopo;global Voice Online; 拉丁美洲訊息社(Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion)


第十二周 自己幹文化



  1. 喬治馬凱編(2008)《自己幹文化-派對與革命》,臺北:獨立媒體/破週報。Chap1, 4,5,8,9,10,11
  2. Notes from Nowhere, 2003, We are every where. Carnival: resistance is the secret of joy. London: Verso (pp.173-298)



  1. George McKay(1996), Senseless Acts of Beauty- Cultures of Resistance since the Sixites,London:Verso
  2. Milton Yinger (1995) , 《反文化─它的形式、基礎和作用》,台北:桂冠
  3. Ferrell, J. (2001). Taking back the streets. In Tearing down the streets: Adventures in urban anarchy (pp. 91-147). New York: Palgrave.
  4. (影片)World Traveler Adventure
  5. (影片)the Exodus
  6. Days of Global Action against Capitalism :http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/global/index.htm
  7. 國外的另類媒體中心:Urban75:http://www.urban75.com/index.html
  8. (影片)Precarity 



第十三周 監督不良企業


  1. George Ritzer (2002)《社會的麥當勞化》,臺北:弘智
  2. Joel Bakan (2004)《企業的性格與命運》,臺北:大塊文化(含影片)


  1. George Ritzer (2006)《虛無的全球化》,上海譯文出版社 (網路上:虛無的全球化)
  2. 李靜怡 (2006)兩個卯上進麥當勞的平凡人:《卯上麥當勞》破週報復刊429期 http://pots.tw/node/146
  3. 李靜怡 (2006)無政府主義者與跨國連鎖企業的對決─訪問《卯上麥當勞》導演法蘭妮與主角大維,破週報復刊429期 http://pots.tw/node/1418
  4. 李靜怡 (2006)她╱他們的血在你的咖啡裡—921國際反雀巢日,破週報復刊478期 http://pots.tw/node/2613
  5. 李靜怡 (2006)一瓶可口可樂的世界成本,破週報復刊432期 http://pots.tw/node/1
  6. 葉蔭聰、施鵬翔統籌 (1999):《迪士尼不是樂園》, 香港:進一步多媒體有限公司
  7. 約翰‧米可斯維特(John Micklethwait)(2005)《公司的歷史》,臺北:左岸文化
  8. (影片)卯上麥當勞
  9. (影片)企業人格診斷
  10. (影片)米奇王國


第十四周 文化反堵



  1. 娜歐蜜.克萊恩 (2003)《No logo》,臺北:時報



  1. 娜歐蜜.克萊恩 (2004)《破窗》,臺北:時報 
  2. (影片)Culture Jam: Hijacking the Commercial Culture (網路版本)http://socialist-tv.blogspot.com/2009/02/culture-jam-hijacking-commercial.html 
  3. Nicholas Ganz (1999) Graffiti Woman – Streets Art from Five Continents, New York: Harry n. Abrams, INC
  4. Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter (2004). Nation of Rebels: Why Counterculture Became Consumer Culture. Collins
  5. Macdonald, N. (2001). The graffiti subculture: Youth, masculinity and identity in London and New York. New York: Palgrave.
  6. Dery, Mark (1993). Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of Signs. Open Magazine Pamphlet Series: NJ.http://www.markdery.com/archives/books/culture_jamming/
  7. Kyoto Journal: Culture Jammer's Guide to Enlightenment
  8. Lasn, Kalle (1999) Culture Jam. New York: Eagle Brook
  9. Tietchen, T. “Language out of Language: Excavating the Roots of Culture Jamming and Postmodern Activism from William S. Burroughs' Nova Trilogy.”Discourse: Berkeley Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture. 23, Part 3 (2001): 107-130.
  10. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE7DF123EF930A15751C1A966958260
  11. Political Culture Jamming.pdf
  12. Privatized Resistance AdBusters and The Culture of Neoliberalism.pdf
  13. (影片)Culture Jam: Hijacking the Commercial Culture (網路版本)http://socialist-tv.blogspot.com/2009/02/culture-jam-hijacking-commercial.html
  14. Lasn, K. (2000). Culture jam: How to reverse America's suicidal consumer binge--and why we must. New York: HarperCollins
  15. Sharpe, J. (2002). Culture jam: Hijacking commercial culture [film]. Vancouver, BC : Right to Jam Productions.
  16. Ley, D., & Cybriwsky, R. (1974). Urban graffiti as territorial markers. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 64, 491-505.
  17. Ferrell, J. (1993). Crimes of style: Urban graffiti and the politics of criminality. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
  18. Phillips, S. A. (1999). Wallbangin': Graffiti and gangs in L.A. Chicago: The University of Chicago Pres
  19. Cockcroft, E., Weber, J. P., & Cockcroft, J. (1998). Toward a people's art: The contemporary mural movement. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
  20. Kunzle, D. (1995). The murals of revolutionary Nicaragua: 1979-1992. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  21. Lee, A. W. (1999). Painting on the left: Diego Rivera, radical politics, and San Francisco's public murals. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  22. Barnett, A. W. (1984). Community murals: The people's art. New York: Cornwall Books.
  23. Haas, R. (1981). Richard Haas: An architecture of illusion. New York: Rizzoli.
  24. Haas, R. (2001). The city is my canvas. New York: Prestel.
  25. (影片)Painting the Town
  26. Billboard liberation http://www.billboardliberation.com/home.html
  27. Drooker, E. (1998). Street posters and ballads. New York: Seven Stories Press.
  28. Jacobs, K., & Heller, S. (1992). Angry graphics: Protest posters of the Reagan/Bush Era. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books.
  29. Timmers, M. (Ed.). (1998). The power of the poster. London: V & A.
  30. (影片)http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1777885894535257561
  31. (影片)The Story: The shock Doctrine.  



  1. Adbuster http://www.adbusters.org/home/
  2. No shopping day; Critical Mass
  3. The international errorist http://www.taipeibiennial.org/2008/TBArtists/ArtistContent.aspx?Language=iWtQXTY5yerWZqo3gg8/BL9NEiKjGqNL&cid=iWtQXTY5yerSII9xW63dlOBXYnczuHO+
  4. The Yes man http://www.taipeibiennial.org/2008/TBArtists/ArtistContent.aspx?Language=iWtQXTY5yerWZqo3gg8/BL9NEiKjGqNL&cid=iWtQXTY5yerWZqo3gg8/BLJgFL25FWp7



第十五、十六、十七周 行動計畫準備


第十八周 期末課堂報告/展演




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